
Posts Tagged ‘Barack Obama’

I’m no Sister Souljah

August 23, 2010 2 comments

A couple weeks ago I was given two compliments that warmed my heart and troubled my soul at the same time.

A friend asked me to comment on what it’s like to live in Arizona under 287(g) and SB1070. I shared our experience in “Ground Zero” and he replied that I was a real American Superhero.

Later that evening, I was chatting with another friend, mentioned how tired I was of summer, which of course prompted the suggestion that I move. Quoting Dexter from the Ruckus Society, I responded,

I’m living in ground zero for racism in America. Too much to be done here.

And among several lovely things that were said, was the comment,

When Sister Souljah grows up, she wants to be like you 🙂

This couldn’t be further from the truth, and not just because I had to Wiki her. Both these comments came from friends who each experience discrimination on ltwo different levels that I will never personally experience, so their positive feedback, particularly conaidering the relative oxymoron of “white allyship”, meant the world to me. But I’m no hero, and I’m certainly no Sistah Souljah. I’m just trying to be in right relationships with my black, brown, gold and rainbow brothers and sisters. While it’s always admiraable to do the right thing, and even more so in the face of resistance or even just against popular opinion, my witness is no great personal sacrifice, carries no inherent risk. Read more…

Spread the Word « Standing On The Side Of Love

August 6, 2010 1 comment

Currently the Department of Homeland Security can delegate immigration enforcement activities to local law enforcement departments. The department’s own audits have cited many failures with these programs, including the ability to protect from human rights abuses.

The local enforcement of national immigration policies only serves to tear families apart and contribute to racial profiling, vigilantism, and a fear of law enforcement that threatens the safety of all our communities.

I just sent a letter to President Obama urging him to put an end to these programs. Can you join me and send a letter too? Just click on the picture to send your letter:

Thank you.

Spread the Word « Standing On The Side Of Love.

a tale of two (or more) cities (updated)

July 13, 2010 6 comments

So it’s probably not a surprise to any of my readers (if there are any left out there, that is) that I am not a fan of SB1070. I could go on about that, but right now I am going to attempt to focus my attention (this is a struggle for me) on a thought that occurred to me earlier, while I was reading Program gives Chicago Public Schools teachers a lesson in history, culture. It sounds like a pretty cool program, and I figure that the chances of our schools implementing a program like this are slim. If I sound cynical, well… between SB1070 and our more recent Ethnic Studies Law, well… nuff said.

So as it is prone to do, my mind started wandering & I started a comparison & contrast of Phoenix & Chicago, a city I recently visited & fell in love with. Now, it’s not easy to follow my train of thought on a lot of things… sometimes I can’t even do it. But humor me today… just sit down, shut up, and hang on. Read more…

Opinion: Race and Anti-Government Rage – AOL News

April 1, 2010 Leave a comment

It wasn’t always this way. Whites once supported government spending, especially when we thought people like us would be the beneficiaries. Those who protest government health care didn’t object, for instance, when government-backed FHA loans helped 15 million white families afford housing from the 1940s to the 1960s, while blacks were essentially excluded. Indeed, by the early ’60s, nearly half of all mortgages received by white families were being written under this blatantly preferential government initiative. And whites didn’t mind when the government passed the Homestead Act in 1862, resulting in the distribution of over 240 million acres of essentially free land to white families.

via Opinion: Race and Anti-Government Rage – AOL News.

What do they tell the children? | The Angry Black Woman

October 22, 2009 Leave a comment

But I found myself wondering, today, what Barack and Michelle Obama have told their children about this.

So what, I wonder, does the first couple tell Sasha and Malia? Do they try and prepare their daughters for the possibility that their father will be assassinated because of his race? Have they warned the girls that they’ll probably never be able to leave Secret Service or bodyguard protection, at any point in their lives? Do they keep the girls off the internet, for fear they’ll find out that Dad is getting 30 death threats a day? Or when they talk with the girls about it — how the hell do you talk to a child about something like that, without traumatizing them for life? How do you keep children, when they’re immersed in so much hatred and fear, from growing up hateful and fearful themselves?

Because parents of black children have to do that. If they have any sense of responsibility, they prepare their children for the racism they’ll inevitably face. I don’t have kids, but I certainly remember my parents and grandparents carefully pointing out incidents and disparities and stereotypes, and talking with me about them. I remember my mother instructing me about how to act with the police — as a woman I’m not in quite as much danger from them as a black man would be, but I’m not safe either. Yet even with this advance preparation, I remember being shocked as I grew older and realized that racism had not ended with the Civil Rights Act, as I had been taught in school. It was still happening, still killing — still a near-daily threat to my personal health and welfare. My parents had done what they could to cushion this shock, but it was still painful, even terrifying, when I finally understood it as more than an intellectual exercise.


via What do they tell the children? | The Angry Black Woman.

via What do they tell the children? | The Angry Black Woman.

The W. Kamau Bell Curve: Ending Racism in About an Hour

September 24, 2009 6 comments

I am guilty of using the terms “the n-word” & “non-white” within the last week or two… I would love to see this guy!!!

The White Racist Meme. « PostBourgie

September 23, 2009 Leave a comment

 (by Jeremy Levine, x-posted from Social Science Lite)

It would be an understatement to argue that the mass media has taken on racial analysis with unprecedented zeal since the election of Barack Obama. Unfortunately, in attempts to present fair and balanced news coverage, cable news programs have typically included panels with representatives from both sides of the Left-Right ideological spectrum.

The problem with this method, of course, is that subsequent analyses usually follow the same tired pattern: “That was racist!” vs. “That is ridiculous! Race was not a factor!” At best, this produces unproductive exchanges. At worst, it woefully simplifies complex social process and interactions, institutionalizing diametrically opposed ideological camps instead of offering nuanced analysis.

via The White Racist Meme. « PostBourgie.

If Jesus was alive today, would right wingers call him a socialist?

September 17, 2009 2 comments

Jesus, it should be pointed out, never prayed for a single Roman to be melted like a snail.

via If Jesus was alive today, would right wingers call him a socialist? : The Reid Report.

via If Jesus was alive today, would right wingers call him a socialist?.

Judge tosses out Army captain’s complaint questioning president’s birth; Orly Taitz on notice

September 17, 2009 1 comment

“Finally, in a remarkable shifting of the traditional legal burden of proof, plaintiff unashamedly alleges that defendant has the burden to prove his ‘natural born’ status,” Land states. “Any middle school civics student would readily recognize the irony of abandoning fundamental principles upon which our country was founded in order to purportedly ‘protect and preserve’ those very principles.

“Unlike in ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ simply saying something is so does not make it so,” Land says.

Land ordered that the defendants — who include Obama, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Col. Thomas MacDonald, Fort Benning garrison commander — will recover any costs from the complaint from Rhodes.

via Judge tosses out Army captain’s complaint questioning president’s birth; Orly Taitz on notice – Breaking News –

Racial Meme Suddenly Infuses Discussions of President’s Enemies

September 15, 2009 1 comment

 The media are belatedly acknowledging a racial subtext to many anti-Obama protests, thanks to what one scholar calls the ‘drip’ factor.

 As anti-Obama protests escalated over the past six months, race largely remained an unspoken subtext in media coverage — “the elephant in the room,” in the words of NBC News’ Mark Murray. But in recent days, many prominent members of the press have begun pointing at the pachyderm.

via Racial Meme Suddenly Infuses Discussions of President’s Enemies.

Aside From The Obvious: Racism 101

September 14, 2009 4 comments

Aside From The Obvious: Racism 101

Would we ever question the natural citizenship of a white person running for president? Heck some Republicans were trying to repeal that provision to help the Governator of California who is undeniably not a natural born citizen.

Did we ever call Richard Nixon socialist (when it meant something) when he imposed wage and price controls or even tried to reform health care?

Did we question the integrity of Bush 1 when he addressed the nation’s schoolchildren and asked them to write him telling how they would help him? Yes precisely the same request, but no fears of brainwashing then and no demand for releasing the text in advance.

Is it any surprise that the worst outbreaks of this hostility are coming from the old Confederacy?

No Drama Obama, Mr. Change

September 11, 2009 Leave a comment

I’m getting the biggest kick out of these nicknames… certainly they are several steps above “liar”

Obama knows that only a handful of Republicans will support him in this effort. But he pointed out — and adopted — good GOP ideas, such as medical malpractice reform and Sen. John McCain’s idea of setting up high-risk insurance pools for the uninsured. Was that for show? Partly, sure.

But this coup de grace wasn’t: “My door is always open” to new ideas, the president said. “But know this: I will not waste time with those who have made the calculation that it’s better politics to kill this plan than improve it. … And I will not accept the status quo as a solution.”

Mr. Change is back in town.

via Borger: Obama was tough and determined –

via No Drama Obama, Mr. Change.

When Bush spoke to students, Democrats investigated, held hearings

September 11, 2009 2 comments

I think the rabid paranoia about Barack’s speech to the students somehow indoctrinating children was ridiculous and speeks to the level of how fractured our “post racial” society is… but I am increasingly disappointed in the childish antics of our elected officials. You’d think the Republicans would have learned from the Democrats mistakes after Bush Sr’s address to students, and not poured oil on the fire. Will they (both parties) ever tire of looking stupid? 

That didn’t stop Democratic allies from taking their own shots at Bush. The National Education Association denounced the speech, saying it “cannot endorse a president who spends $26,000 of taxpayers’ money on a staged media event at Alice Deal Junior High School in Washington, D.C. — while cutting school lunch funds for our neediest youngsters.”

Lost in all the denouncing and investigating was the fact that Bush’s speech itself, like Obama’s today, was entirely unremarkable. “Block out the kids who think it’s not cool to be smart,” the president told students. “If someone goofs off today, are they cool? Are they still cool years from now, when they’re stuck in a dead end job. Don’t let peer pressure stand between you and your dreams.

via When Bush spoke to students, Democrats investigated, held hearings | Washington Examiner.

A conversation with my son about the Obama Speech

September 9, 2009 6 comments

IMG00193-20090426-1252 (2)So at bedtime I chatted with the girls about their days, and asked about the Obama speech. Afterwards, I asked my son about it, and before he really got started, I got what I decided was a flash of inspired brilliance and grabbed my crackberry and recorded our conversation. I wish I’d done that with the girls… sometimes with Tyler, you ask a question and when he’s finally done talking, it’s been an hour and you’re asking yourself…

Who put a quarter in you?

… and sometimes, he has a hard time figuring out how to express his thoughts verbally.

He’s like his mama like that…

 a 13yo’s take on the Obama Speech

When I was listening to this afterwards, I cringed a little bit. Something I said with the best of intentions doesn’t sit too well with me. Read more…

Obama advises caution in what kids put on Facebook

September 8, 2009 2 comments

and other great advice…

Associated Press Writer

President Barack Obama went forward with a controversial speech to students nationwide Tuesday, preceding it by advising young people at a suburban Virginia school to “be careful what you post on Facebook.” “Whatever you do,” he told them, “it will be pulled up later in your life.”

Read more…