
Posts Tagged ‘sexualization’

Dont Want to Put on My Booty Shoes | Bitch Magazine

November 18, 2009 3 comments

excellent commentary on the OH SO OFFENSIVE Reebok EasyTone advertising campaign…

Kate Harding at Broadsheet compares this nasty campaign to the way Nike sells women’s shoes.

Nike’s far from perfect, of course, but when they used boobs, they belonged to Serena Williams and appeared under her crossed, muscular arms and a high-necked T-shirt that read “Athlete,” with the caption, “Are you looking at my titles?” When they used close-ups on female body parts and copy about how others might perceive them, it was with text like, “My mother worries I will never marry with knees like these. But I know there’s someone out there who will say to me: I love you and I love your knees,” and “My butt is big and that’s just fine. And those who might scorn it are invited to kiss it.” If the new Reebok ads help the company knock Nike out of the top spot, then I’ll admit that they made good business sense (after I’m done sobbing), but as it is, the market leader is the one that uses images of strong women who care more about being athletic than being pretty. The market leader is the one that figured out how to sell a major female fantasy: being treated with at least a modicum of respect by advertisers.

check out the complete article at Dont Want to Put on My Booty Shoes | Bitch Magazine.

Not MY daughters, Reebok! « Golden Acorn Homeschool

November 13, 2009 5 comments
I have been meaning to ask a dear friend to crosspost as a guest blogger for some time, and the only good thing about the Reebok ads is, they provided a golden opportunity I couldn’t pass up. So, uh… thanks Reebok. Sorta.

I have always preferred Nike running shoes and athletic gear, but I have owned a few things from Reebok in the past, such as swimsuits and a few outfits and pieces of clothing. Not anymore!

As of yesterday, Reebok will no longer be getting any of my family’s hard earned dollars. Here’s why:

and this:

and the worse one yet:

I am so disgusted, I can barely string a coherent sentence together. Why (someone PLEASE tell me why), a commercial for athletic shoes needs to be sexualized like that?

Why is it OK for Reebok to tell my daughters that the “real” reason for exercising is so a man can appreciate their assets?

Why is it OK for my son to absorb the message that he should ogle women and only value them for physical appearance?

I have no problem with a shoe that helps tone the butt and thighs. That’s a good thing, really, and with a smart marketing campaign I might have been interested in these shoes.

I am definitely not interested in contributing to the misogynistic view that women are nothing more than bodies to be objectified, and that the only reason to be fit is to be sexually appealing to a man. What about good health? What about strength? What about endurance, self-esteem, and pride?

So, Reebok, you have decidedly FAILED in my estimation. I am sure there are many men who appreciate these “commercials” you have created. I’d be willing to bet there are plenty of women who see “nothing wrong” with wanting to look sexy so men will notice them.

I want to look attractive for my husband, too, but for more than my body! I hope he is attracted to my intelligence, my humor, my personality…as well as my physical appearance.

The real problem with these ads is that they feed into an already warped sense of value in America. Media images such as these lodge themselves in the minds of young children (and adults), and continue to perpetuate the dysfunctional idea of women as mere sexual objects. Girls begin to believe the message and their self-esteem becomes wrapped up in how sexually appealing they can be. Boys continue to embrace the message because it lets them off the hook in regard to their behavior and having to respect women as equals.

These might seem like “just commercials” to many viewers. But what does it say to us, as a society, if it can be so blatant, and yet we sit around asking, “What’s the big deal?”

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:22-23

Many thanks to Cyndi for alerting me to these “ads.”

via Not MY daughters, Reebok! « Golden Acorn Homeschool.

as if you hadn’t had enough… ONE MORE offensive Reebok commercial…

November 10, 2009 2 comments


Jesus Christ… it gets worse. WTF, Reebok?

November 10, 2009 2 comments

I thought the commercial I saw the other night was bad enough… but this one is even worse. Get your barf bags, peeps… it’s another totally offensive Reebok Easytone commercial.

I’m not one who normally cares about a particular brand… but I can tell you that I will NEVER spend a dime on a pair of Reebok’s.

And I have three kids who play in club sports. That adds up.

Reebok, I don’t normally get this crude on my blog but…


Are you f-ing kidding? Reebok EasyTone commercial

November 7, 2009 37 comments

Beware Young Girl.

November 5, 2009 1 comment

This broke my heart…  how many Sara’s will we lose to the sexualization and objectification of women?

In response to the constant objectification of women, the recent gang rape of a 15 year old girl in Richmond, CA, the unjust incarceration of Sara Kruzan and even the highly publicized violence faced by Rihanna, conscientious rapper and activist Jasiri X has put out a track that discusses the injustice and inhumanity of these crimes.

you can find the lyrics at Beware Young Girl. – Feministing.