
Posts Tagged ‘Cancer’

Cyndi has a PSA for (grand)Parents:

September 28, 2010 5 comments
These little gems usually appear in my Facebook status, but I am blogging this one specifically so you can share it with others… I know  a couple of you have parents or other relatives who do stuff JUST LIKE THIS…

2007-08-25 Surprise Party 15 Oma & Cyndi If you need to tell your adult child something important… say, that you have liver cancer and will be having surgery within the next three weeks… PLEASE don’t tell your her daddy that you tried to reach said child “several times” if you never left a voice mail.

Unlike the caller ID on your house phone, there is no “missed call” if the cell phone you are calling is off (while the grandchild who carries it because she uses public transit is in school) or in a dead zone (like the elevator at work or the depths of Super Wal-Mart) or the battery got worn down (because she took too many videos at volleyball practice, or pictures, or was using her phone as an MP3 player).

I’m just sayin’… leave a message.