
Posts Tagged ‘incentives’

A New Pay for Performance Plan

September 16, 2010 Leave a comment

So lately getting my children to do their chores has been… a challenge. We got off our routines years ago when the kids started busing to a school in another district, and I’ve never been able to get new routines going that really worked for us. Adding volleyball to the mix two years ago didn’t help. But between our move last year and new school schedules for two of the three kids this year, we all get home a lot earlier.

While the chore issue should have magically straightened itself out, there’s been nothing but drama. Nobody likes their chores… they’re rather have so and so’s chore. I shuffled things around a bit, and no matter what people had, at least two of them (usually female, and most frequently seven years of age) were unhappy within two days. So I did a final switch, based on what I felt was going to work best for ME (because I’m the mama), and said it was final. Read more…